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How to rank article on google : Use links recovery, Write guest blogs, Marketing Automation

BySandeep Patel

Sep 11, 2022

Use links recovery
The mentions of your content on other blogs can considerably improve your search engine ranking. However, sometimes companies mention your publications without binding you to you. If you watch your mentions online, you can easily find companies that have mentioned your unrelated content.

If you have spotted a case like this, you can always contact the company and ask them to add a link to your site. Look at the example below:


How to rank article on google :Create buying characters, Publish a long content

Write guest blogs
If you have enough resources, you can look for online media that would be interested in publishing your guest message and a link to your site.


Here is our real example of a guest publication:

Utilize Keywords for article ranking in google


Consequently, if you google “Marketing Automation Middle East”, you will find our article on the first position of organic results:

Actively share on social networks
Google has been proven to attribute weight to social media signals in the ranking.

In addition to using your social networks, you could also benefit from the sharing of other platforms:

Share presentations on Slideshare
Share documents on scribd
Share infographics on Pinterest
Share on relevant social media groups in the industry

Find niche subjects (and relevant keywords) What type of article would you be more

Optimize for vocal research
Google says that a fifth of Google requests are vocal research. The future is SEO is vocal research.

Optimizing your voice content is crucial. Here are some ways to do it:

Aim for questions based on questions, in particular “how” or “how much”
Optimize local search results. Request nearby instructions or locations on Google Make Up a good amount of search requests
For example, this blog post can be perfect for a person looking for a restaurant in New York on the go.


Refresh your contents
Updating your content and enriching it up to date from time to time is extremely beneficial depending on referencing.


Google likes fresh content. In addition, you can correct broken links and improve the user experience when updating your content. As your previous SEO data is stored, such as visits or CTR page, it is easier to stimulate a blog article updated on Google rather than writing a new one from zero.


Add a note with the date of your update to let your readers know that you provide the most up -to -date content and that you want to make it more precious for them.

It’s time to conclude. Do not forget to share the article with your colleagues to make sure that the whole team continues with the latest referencing trends.

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Lianasenvice offers referencing as a service. Our digital marketing experts can help you with SEO audit, optimization of web pages and online stores and the creation of a long -term SEO plan. Do not hesitate to book a free consultation with our specialist to see how we could help you increase the traffic in your website and rank on search engines.
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