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How to rank article on google :Create buying characters, Publish a long content

BySandeep Patel

Sep 11, 2022

Create buying characters
The concept of a buyer character can help you better understand the needs of your audience and create more attractive content for him.

Once your content resonates with your target audience, it increases the share of sharing and improves research rankings.


Here is an example of a character buyer of Neil Patel.

Publish a long content
On average, the long content is considered to be from the number of 1200 words.

Utilize Keywords for article ranking in google

Publishing longer content is beneficial in terms of SEO. First, long content generally brings together more backlinks. Second, the content of the long shape surpasses short blog articles in terms of sharing.

A study of semrush classification factors confirmed that long content tends to rank above:


Increase the loading speed of the page

53% of visitors to the mobile website will leave if a web page does not take charge within three seconds.

In addition, pages loading speed is an important classification factor for Google.

Overall, you want to make sure that your page loading speed is as high as possible. A good way to start is to analyze the speed of your page with Google’s pages ideas.

Find niche subjects (and relevant keywords) What type of article would you be more

Optimize images
Google is not just looking for images. He is looking for images with alt text. This is why it is important to add keywords relevant to the name of your image and to meta-description.

We use SEO features in LIANACMS to add meta descriptions to the images we use in any blog article.


Increase residence time
The stay is the time that goes between the moment you click on a search result and return to the SERP (search engine results page).

This time slot should be as large as possible as Google considers that the time to reside an important classification factor.

Some ways to achieve it:

The government warned those who wanted to study medicine in China, explained how problems could happen

Make sure a rich multimedia experience: try to use diversified content types in your blog parts, such as video files, audio, diagrams, graphics, quizzes, games and infographics.
Think of the first sentences: make the intro to your blog articles as attractive as possible to make them want to read until the end. Leave a hook that makes it interesting to read until the end.
Include a lot of subtitles: this improves readability and creates a more favorable user experience.

8. Reduce the rebound rate
The rebound rate is the percentage of visitors who sail far from the site after viewing a single page


The lower your rebound rate, the more Google classifies your page. In essence, the lower rebound rates give Google a signal that users find your web page interesting and, therefore, it deserves a higher rank.

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