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Ken Starr, whose investigation led to Bill Clinton’s accusation, dies at 76

BySandeep Patel

Sep 14, 2022

Ken Starr: The so-called Starr report documented the president’s sexual relationship with the White House intern in graphic detail and turned out that Clinton was accused of perjury and obstruction of justice.

Ken Starr, who led the investigation that led to the dismissal of President Bill Clinton for lying on his adventure with the White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, died on Tuesday. He was 76 years old.
Starr died in Houston, Texas, of complications of the surgery, his family said in a statement.

A former conservative legal judge and unconditional, Starr was better known for leading the investigation that resulted in Clinton’s accusation in December 1998 by the House of Representatives controlled by Republicans.

The Democratic president was acquitted by the Senate the following year.

Starr’s participation with Clinton began when he was appointed special lawyer in 1994 to investigate a land agreement known as Whitewater involving Bill and Hillary Clinton.

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That expanded to an investigation of the president’s issue with Lewinsky, 24, who Clinton initially denied.

The so-called Starr report documented the president’s sexual relationship with the White House intern in graphic detail and turned out that Clinton was accused of perjury and obstruction of justice.

Starr, who was once promoted as a possible judge of the Supreme Court, then wrote a book on the investigation: “Disregard: a memory of Clinton’s investigation.”

Time magazine chose Clinton and Starr as his “men of the year” in 1998.

Ken Starr, whose investigation led to Bill Clinton’s accusation, dies at 76

Appointed judge at the age of 37 by President Ronald Reagan, Starr went on to serve as a general attorney from 1989 to 1993 under President George H.W. Bush, discussing 25 cases before the Supreme Court.

Starr served as president of the University of Baylor from 2010 to 2016, when he left the management of sexual assault complaints against American football players at the Baptist School.

– ‘The accusation is hell’ –

In January 2020, Starr joined the legal team that defended Republican President Donald Trump in his first political trial before the Senate.

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Starr regretted that the Senate was being called “too often” to prove the accusation.

“In fact, we are living in what I think can be described rightly as the era of accusation,” he said.

“Like war, the accusation is hell,” Starr added. “At least the presidential political trial is hell.”

Like Clinton, Trump was accused by the camera but acquitted by the Senate.

The leader of the Republican Senate minority, Mitch McConnell, praised Starr as a “brilliant litigant, an impressive leader, and a devotee patriot.”

“Ken poured his remarkable energy and talent to promote justice, defend the Constitution and defend the rule of law,” McConnell said in a statement.

Lewinsky, in an article in February 2018 in Vanity Fair, lashed out at the investigation of the special lawyer who put it at the center of a political storm.

She said she had a casual meeting with Starr in December 2017 at a restaurant in New York.

“I felt determined, then, to remind him that, 20 years before, he and his team of prosecutors had not persecuted and terrified only me, but also my family,” she said.

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Looking for an apology, Lewinsky said she told Starr that, although she wanted to have made “different decisions”, she would have liked his office to have done the same.

Starr gave an “inscrutable smile,” Lewinsky said and replied “I know. He was unfortunate.”

On Tuesday, Lewinsky tweeted that “her thoughts about Ken Starr mention complicated feelings.”

“But of greater importance, I imagine that it is a painful loss for those who love him,” she added.

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