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Drive against unsafe protein powders in gyms in Karnataka being planned

BySandeep Patel

Sep 20, 2022


While protein powders authorised by the Food Safety Department are considered safe, Health Minister K. Sudhakar said awareness would be created on low quality and unsafe protein powders

While protein powders authorised by the Food Safety Department are considered safe, Health Minister K. Sudhakar said awareness would be created on low quality and unsafe protein powders

Karnataka Government would launch a special drive to create awareness among fitness enthusiasts who frequent gyms about the side-effects of unmonitored and unsafe consumption of protein powders, Law and Parliamentary Minister J.C. Madhuswamy and Health Minister K. Sudhakar informed the Legislative Assembly.

In response to a question by Sathish Reddy (BJP) during zero hour, the Minister said steps would be taken to check illegal sale of protein powders in gyms.

Gym users consume powders as dietary supplements in order to gain muscle mass. While protein powders authorised by the Food Safety Department are considered safe, Mr. Sudhakar said awareness would be created on low quality and unsafe protein powders.


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